The Secret to Becoming a Better Advocate.


The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a federal law that is designed to protect the rights of students with special needs by ensuring that they receive a Free Appropriate Public Education(FAPE).

Why do you want your child to have FAPE?

To be prepared for:

1. Further Education
2. Employment
3. Independent Living

I can help you navigate your way through the educational system.


Katrina Hayes
Katrina Hayes is a professional Advocate for children and young adults with Autism. She has been speaking up for families for over 10 years. She is the parent and sibling of two unique souls with Autism. Katrina has been sworn in as a Court Appointed Special Advocate. She’s the graduate of a leadership training program called Partners in Policymaking and has been certified in Mental Health First Aid. Recently Katrina was certified as a Mental Health First Aid Instructor. Katrina is looking forward to the day that ALL children with disabilities receive appropriate educational services necessary to live a happy, fulfilled and productive life.

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